Senior Exhibition Spring 2024: Jordan Bloodworth

Introducing Nossi Graphic Design Student: Jordan Bloodworth

Jordan will be one of the several Nossi graduating seniors displaying their portfolio in the upcoming Spring 2024 Senior Exhibition at Nossi College of Art & Design on Thursday April 11th, 2024.

Creative Professionals, Family + Friends: For more information on attending the Senior Exhibition, please follow this link

Q: What is your goal after graduating form Nossi College of Art & Design? A: My biggest goal is get a job in the field, much like everyone else. UI/UX is a discipline within graphic design that I'm really interested in learning more about and I'd like to fully immerse myself in the field. I wanna make it a point to keep learning, though, be it retaking some classes or exploring something new.

Q: Looking back, what is one piece of advice you would give yourself on your first day of art college? A: Don't take things too seriously and don't always expect the worst. Things work themselves out, and while the work may feel impossible sometimes, you'll get there, in time.

Keep in touch with Jordan’s artistic endeavors through social channels:
Instagram: @jordan.bloodworth
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