Home » Learning Resource Center
The LRC is here to support students in achieving their career goals. Students can check out computers, tablets, books, or access our curated catalogue of databases. Tutoring services and a private study room are also available.
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday 8am to 10pm
Friday - 8am to 4pm
Students in good standing may borrow eligible materials with a library card at no charge. Lending periods are as follows:
- Books and print materials may be checked out for 8 weeks, and may be renewed continuously unless requested by another student.
- Laptop computers and tablets may be checked out for 1 week with a signed equipment usage agreement and may be renewed only at the Librarian’s discretion.
Items marked “reference only” are available to use in the LRC and do not circulate.
Course textbooks are not available for checkout, but a copy may be available for day-use. Check with the librarian or front desk staff.
For circulating materials, the LRC no longer assesses daily fines. If an item goes into a lost status (30 days overdue) or is returned damaged beyond repair, the patron will be charged the replacement cost of the item, and their borrowing privileges will be temporarily blocked.
Equipment: If a LRC laptop, tablet, or other loaned equipment is returned damaged, broken, or lost, the borrower will be charged the cost of repair or replacement, per the Equipment Usage Agreement.
Create a print account by login into the Nossi Uniflow Website
Step by step instructions can be found here.
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