Introducing Nossi Graphic Design Student: Ashley Robinson
Ashley will be one of the several Nossi graduating seniors displaying their portfolio in the upcoming Winter 2023 Senior Exhibition at Nossi College of Art & Design on Thursday December 7th, 2023.
Creative Professionals, Family + Friends: For more information on attending the Senior Exhibition, please follow this link
Q: What is your goal after graduating form Nossi College of Art & Design? A: My goal after graduation is to work in a creative position with a graphic design focus. I really enjoy publication design and advertising, and look forward to exploring those areas of design. My dream is to find a creative career I can grow into and be a valuable, productive contributor to a team!
Q: Looking back, what is one piece of advice you would give yourself on your first day of art college? A: I would say allow yourself the freedom to explore your creativity, and be ok with trying and failing. Please don't take criticism personally.
Keep in touch with Ashley’s artistic endeavors through social channels:
Instagram: acrgraphicdesign